Well, it’s been a little while since my last post. Sorry about that. 🙂
Well, things are going very well. I’m about finished with my time at Pizza Hut (I’m done as of the 28th of this month) and I’m very excited to get my weekends and evenings back. It’ll be very nice.
Not much more has changed. Kristen and I are doing well and there’s really nothing bad going on at all. I’m glad that the summer is almost over. Fall is nice.
One thing worth mentioning is that Kristen and I are going with my grandmother and a few others to Kyntucky over Labor-Day weekend for a family reunion. It will be very niec to take a little weekend trip. Also, while were there, we’re going to meet up with one of the guys that owns/runs Living-Dead.com with me. He lives about an hour away from where we’re going and so we’re going to meet up and go to dinner and possibly a movie. We are SO excited! We’ll be leaving Saturday the 30th in morning at 3:30 and then we’ll be coming back on Monday the 1st.
Well, there’s really not much going on. I’ll write back when there’s more to tall about.
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