We’re moved in and we’re starting to make changes to the house! It’s a wonderful feeling, being able to change the things that aren’t quite the way you want them to be. This last weekend we spent every day outside working on the yard.

Friday evening we began working on digging up a large area of grass under the trees. The area had patches of dead grass and lots of large tree roots which were hard to mow around. So we decided to cover that area with a large flowered and mulched area that turned out very nice. Hopefully you think so to!
We went tonight and got some paint to paint the outside of the house. Kristen and her dad are going to start painting tomorrow while I’m at work so it will be fun to get home and see the progress. I’ve attached a rendering of what the house will (hopefully) look like once the painting is done.

We also did some work in the bathroom putting up a few new fixtures including two new towel racks, a hand towel holder and a clothing hook on the door.
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