Buying our rental?

Well, things are going great right now. Kristen and I just found out that our current landlords are interested in selling the house we’re renting to us in the future. Now all we have to do is find a good way to finance it.

There’s not a lot going on right now. We’re mostly looking into and planning things we want to do once we actually own the house. We’re thinking of finishing the basement so we can add some more room and then we’ll actually have 3 bedrooms and an office instead of 2 bedrooms and an office. That would be nice. Some other improvements we’re thinking of making are new flooring in the kitchen and bathroom and probably refinishing all of the baseboards and other wood trim throughout the house.

I’m starting to get very intimidated by the process of buying a house. I’ve been doing lots of research to find out what’s involved and I’m amazed at all of the work it takes. We understand that the more of a downpayment we have, the better but it’s not easy to save that kind of money. We’ll see what happens.

We’re also working on planning a fund raiser for the youth group. Apparently Kristen knows a teacher at Connersville Middle School where she’s student teaching this year that buys candy at wholesale from a local provider. We’re thinking of buying tons of that candy (which is just about any candy that’s every existed) and reselling it. That would be a fun way to raise some extra money I think. Plus, a friend of our from church who owns a garage says he always sells that kind of stuff at the garage to customers and employees and that we can leave a bunch with him if we want.

Well, I think that’s it for now.






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