Category: What’s new with me?
Back to School
Nearly two years ago I graduated from the Purdue University programs here in Richmond. My experience with their programs was pretty wonderful. The program was fairly new so there weren’t very many other students in the program when I started. Each sememster there were more and more students coming into the Computer Graphics Technology program…
A new film project
I’ve started work on a new short film project that will hopefully end up on WCTV. I’ve been working on the first draft of the script (yeah, I’m actually doing a script this time) and I’m very excited about it. I think the story is structured in such a way that it will sell the…
A Great Weekend
Man did I have a great time this weekend. Friday night was fairly uneventful, which is what was so great about it. Kristen and I rented "Ray" and had chinese food delivered. We sat there most of the night on the couch relaxing together. It was a great time. Saturday was the exact opposite, we…
A good message
I heard something on the radio while I was at lunch today. "We miss out on many blessings because we do not endure through hardship.". Tha statement is somewhat at odds with human nature and that’s probably why I like it so much. Whether it’s church-related problems, or some other situation we forget that God…
Mitchell’s Wedding
It has been a very busy week, and things are finally starting to get back to normal. My dad was in town for a week for my brother’s wedding and he was staying with me most of the time. It was a great time, we got a lot of visiting time in. My younger brother…
Short Update
Sorry for not writing for so long, things have been very busy lately. I’ve been keeping up an amazingly hectic schedule and just barely managing to hang on. It has been a wild ride. Aside from work, I’ve had something going on every night of the week, leaving me no time to relax. We’ve had…
House Hunting
It’s exciting! Kristen and I have officially started house hunting. We don’t quite have all of our down payment saved up, but were close enough that we should start getting a sense of what type of houses we can afford on our budget. It’s mostly a chance for us to see what’s available and if…
Film project and other news
As I mentioned in my last past, I got a new digital camera for Christmas. Since then I’ve been having lots of fun with it and even added a new, more user-friendly version of the photo gallery to this site. I’ve been taking pictures of everything that I can think of and pretty much carrying…
A Wonderful Christmas
I had a wonderful Christmas this year, better than I’ve had in a long time. It wasn’t just because of all of the wonderful gifts either. I was off of work from Thursday the 23rd through Tuesday the 28th. I had a lot of time to sit, relax and enjoy my presents. Speaking of presents,…
Post performance and the glory days of Richmond
Unseen performed on Saturday night and it went very well. We had a good turnout and we did well with all of the music. There was only one bad mistake the whole night and it was easily recovered from. Overall we were very excited to have it over with, but we all look forward to…