Category: What’s new with me?

  • 9/11

    As most people know, today is the 2nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers. I find it odd how different this anniversary is from last years in terms of the emotion attached for most people. Last year I believe Yahoo completely redesigned their color scheme to be all in grayscale.…

  • Done with "The Hut"

    Well, things are going very well. I’m about finished with my time at Pizza Hut (I’m done as of the 28th of this month) and I’m very excited to get my weekends and evenings back. It’ll be very nice.

  • Life after High School

    Well, yesterday was the annual State Fair Band Day competition that clamied many, many days and hours of my time in high school. I have to say that I really miss being involved in such a (seemingly) worthwhile event. The practices, the feeling of being in a band that’s among the best in the state,…

  • An update

    The biggest thing that’s changed since my last post is the fact that my grandfather died. It’s a big change for the family, but we Christians know that sadness only shows in the darkness when it comes to death.

  • 2nd Job

    Things are going well, I found a second job and Kristen and I are well on our way to getting some money saved to buy a house. It’s exciting, and my second job (so far) will only require work from me on Thursday through Sunday. It will be interesting to be working in a different…

  • Looking for more work!

    First of all, I’m in the process of finding a second job! I put in an application at the local Office Max store in the CopyMax center. They were looking for someone with desktop publishing experience, and that’s something I do have, if nothing else. I’m going in for an interview today and hopefully I’ll…

  • Recording with Mitchell

    Well, it’s another day here in Indiana… I can’t believe that it’s June and we’re having 50 and 60 degree highs during the day. What ever happened to summer?

  • Music

    My brother Mitchell came over last night and we recorded a couple of songs. Most of them are some of his original, Christian songs, but two of them were John Mayer songs that we re-arranged and recorded. I’ve posted MP3 files below for your downloading … uh, pleasure… I guess. Remember, this are very low-quality…

  • A New Mac!

    I got a new computer at work, an Apple Power Mac G4 1Ghz. It’s really nice and it’s much faster than my old Mac, which was a G3 350Mghz Power Mac. I am constantly impressed by the quality in design of Apple computers, not to mention that they work better AND are easier to use…

  • A snapshot of life

    Kristen and I went to the movies on Wednesday night and saw The Matrix: Reloaded. It was pretty awesome. I’ve since then been doing some looking online and I’ve found some pretty interesting ideas about The Matrix’s future and the symbolism behind the movies. I’m not that big if a Matrix fan, but I do…