Category: What’s new with me?
Just your standard update
Shortly after trying Pansy’s sweater on her, we found out that Pansy has gained a little weight… She’s just a little too plump to comfortably wear the sweater. So, for now the sweater has no occupants. We’ve purchased her diet cat food to try and get her slimmed down so she can fit into her…
Pansy's shiny, suave sweater!
I just found out today that my dad is going to be in town from Arizona next month for a couple of days for work and it sounds like we’ll get to go see him in Indy and go out to dinner or something. That should be a lot of fun even though we’re going…
Stuff's going on!
There aren’t that many things new right now other than some updates with the horror movie website,, that I run in my spare time. I’ve decided to either sell, or give up my ownership of Most of my reasons have to do with losing interest in running the site after so many years,…
Almost got taken…
Well, you know that wonderful graphic design school I spoke about in my last entry? Well, it turns out to be a not-so-wonderful graphic design school… I found a website that had reviews from previous students and all of them were nagative, I even found out that the job listings in that area would sometimes…
Updates, updates, updates!
Things are still going well with Me, Kristen and Pansy. We still love the house, and we are still very happy to be together. We are about to celebrate our 6 month wedding anniversary, and everything is still going very well.
Still married, and loving it!
We’ve been married nearly 4 months and it’s been amazing. We’re finally completely adjusted to being together and we’re really starting to enjoy life.
Married, Married, Married…
What a life changing thing, marriage. Kristen and I have been married for over 1 week now and I have to say that despite the large adjustments that we have both had to make to our lifestyles we are both extremely happy. I can’t understand why anyone would NOT want to get married.
The New Abode!
I have a huge update for you all now! Kristen and I have decided to move! We found a 3 bedroom house that we are very happy to call our own, well, renting it any way. Either way, we are very happy with it.
Wedding planning
I’ve been slacking just a little on working out, I’ve only been going 3 or 4 days a week instead of 5 or 6. However, it is recommended that you go to the gym 2 or 3 days a week so I think I am okay.
Working Out
Working out is still going really well, my cousin, which is also a personal trainer has been helping to learn more about nutritional supplements. Up to this point, I have always thought that supplements and steroids would be in the same category, boy was I wrong. I have been making it so hard on myself…