Just a little update

Honestly there hasn’t been a lot going on lately. At least not in terms of events.
I recently sold Living-Dead.com and in the process was hired to do some php-based database scripts. What a wonderful learning experience. I was pretty much able to sit down for around 6 hours and pound it out. It helps to have a very rough knowledge of Perl. To see the script that I created, check out this site
Another recent source of income is Quaker Life magazine, which I’ve been hired for the month of April to do design and layout. I’m going to be working with some great people and I can’t wait! It’s been a wonderful way to get on top of some stuff and have a little more security. I’ll begin work on the magazine later this month and will probably work through April.
I’m also working with the local cable access channel WCTV on redesigning their website and getting a forum setup. I think it will be fun and it will be nice to have a community of filmmakers to pool from if/when I want to do a video project.
We’re going to see The Passion of the Christ this Sunday and I can’t wait. I’ve never been so excited to see a movie.
I spent some time working on my guitar on Sunday. I actually took it completely apart, cleaned everything, set the intonation and restrung it. It looks better and sounds better than it has in years. There were these constant buzzing noises do to low string height and now they’re gone!
Wow, there’s really not a lot going on right now…






One response to “Just a little update”

  1. Tara Avatar

    Hi Evan! Nice site!!

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