Looking for more work!

Been a little while since my last post, but there are a few items worth mentioning.

First of all, I’m in the process of finding a second job! I put in an application at the local Office Max store in the CopyMax center. They were looking for someone with desktop publishing experience, and that’s something I do have, if nothing else. I’m going in for an interview today and hopefully I’ll have the job soon. It will be wonderful.

Other than that, things are pretty much the same as usual. Kristen and I are still waiting patiently for the move and we’re trying to get some money saved up for a down payment. We’re looking to find a small house in a nice neighborhood and fix it up a little bit. It will be very exciting.

I can’t think of much else that’s going on. I switched to using Linux on my home computer. If you’ve never heard of it, you should learn more about it. How does an operating system that’s faster and better on every level than Windows, but costs nothing sound? It looks and feels almost the same, but it never crashes and you never have to worry about driver problems and other issues that usually surface on Windows machines. If you’re interested in trying linux out, I recommend the Knoppix CD. This is a CD that you put into your computer, restart your machine, and then you automatically have linux running on your computer. The cool part is that it doesn’t install anything, it runs from the disk! Let’s see Windows do that…

Well, I guess that’s it for now.






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