Making the band

Most people that know me know that music is pretty much at the core of my personality. I’ve been a guitarist for around 10 years and a drummer for around 15 years. When I was in high school I played in a band that started out alternative and ended up being a Pantera-like heavy metal band. But, for the last 5 or so years of my life my musical involvement has nonexistant. That’s about to change.
I started practicing last night with a group of guys to perform for a church service taking place at the end of this month. There were 4 of us there and one of the vocalists showed up even though we haven’t started practicing as a full group yet. We took a couple of hours, ran through the songs and tried to get everyone familiar with them so our future practices could be more streamlined.
Overall it went extremely well. The fact that it was our first practice and everyone knows the songs is a big relief. That means all of our future practices can be used for polishing and minor changes. It’s going to be great.
I’ve had this vision lately of a christian rock band. I’ve envisioned highly publisized shows that attract large crowds of people all aimed at showing people that being a Christian doesn’t have to be boring and drab, it can be exciting and fun. I hope that it comes to be. I know I’m ready for it.
We’re going to be practicing every Tuesday and Thursday from now through the 24th to get ready. We’ll be ready too. The only thing we have to worry about now is how we’re going to get a sound system. Without that, there’s no way for all of the band members to be mixed together so the sound is coming from one place instead of each players amp. I’m sure it will work out. It always does.






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