Well, it’s another day here in Indiana… I can’t believe that it’s June and we’re having 50 and 60 degree highs during the day. What ever happened to summer?
Mitchell and I got together on Tuesday night and recorded a new song, but I’m still working on it, and we haven’t finished al of the vocals yet. The song is actually a heavy/industrial metal song that sounds similar to a Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson song (I don’t like either band, but it’s somewhat satisfying to create your own song of that style). Mitch leaves for Arizona Saturday morning, so hopefully we can get more of it done before he goes.
I’m still trying to find a weekend job that won’t be too horrible. I’d LOVE to work for the movie theater here in town, but I’m sure they’re not hiring since 1 of their 2 locations is closed for renovation. Maybe later…
I recently finished a redesign of Living-Dead.com. I was very tired of the old look, so I decided to give the whole thing a facelift. I’m VERY pleased with how it turned out. It’s much more graphical and less textual now. I’m very happy with it, I think it will make the site a much more alluring place for people.
I’m now accepting new students for guitar lessons if you (or anyone you know) is interested in signing up. The lessons are $10 for a half hour, and you can purchase as long of a time slot as you wish. Feel free to email me at evan@evanagee.com if you’re interested and live near me.
Well, I think that’s it for now. I’ll write back later.
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