I’ve rambled on and on about my love for Apple and their products many many times on this website. Make no mistake, I love Apple as a company, their products and what they represent. Their unfailing ability to produce hardware and software that is far above all others is something that I admire greatly. I’ve been using a Mac at work for the last 5 or so years and since then I’ve been wanting to get one for home so I could end my double life as an Mac OS and Windows user. Now, in a matter of days, it will be over.
In preparation for this substantial purchase I’ve been doing much research and trying to find out whether it’s smart to purchase a PowerMac G5 now or wait an unknown amount of time until the new Intel-based Mac Pros come out. My research has been conclusive (at least for me), I’m ready to buy now. To find out the details you can read my previous post “Mac purchasing through 2006?”
So, which machine did I decided to go with? The
Dual 2.3 Ghz PowerMac G5 Dual 2.0 Ghz PowerMac G5. We’ve decided that we’re going to purchase the computer from the Apple store in Indianapolis rather than order it online through Apple or an authorized reseller. The main reason is that I’m just too impatient. We’re also going to be purchasing a 20″ Apple Cinema Display, which gets me very excited. I’ve been using the previous generation of the 20″ ACD for the last couple of years and it’s just amazing.
So, soon I’ll be preparing these blog postings from my new PowerMac G5! Stay tuned for notes from the switch.
The Imminent Switch
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