It feels as if my blog posts lately have been sporadic at best. I suppose it’s mostly due to all of the changes lately, most of them in my professional life. I decided it was a good time to write another entry and tell about the things that have been going on lately. So here it is.
In February of this year I accepted a position with a company in the online auction industry. I had six great months with them and created a relationship with my co-worker that I expect to endure for a long time. In August I accepted a contractor position with where I remain. I’m working on some wonderful things and it has been a real pleasure working there. My design and development skills continue to be pushed to new levels and I’m absolutely loving it. Hopefully I’ll be able to share some of the details of what I’ve been up to at MemoryX soon.

Agee Design
When I’m not doing work for MemoryX I’m doing work for my clients through Agee Design. I’ve completed several projects and I’ve got a handful of active projects, one of which is redesigning the website for Jay and Jack of the well-known “Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack“. They’ve been a real pleasure to work with and I can’t wait to get the new site launched. I’ve also been working on a strategic relationship with another well known name in the podcasting community, Cliff Ravenscraft of the Generally Speaking Production Network (GSPN). And if you’re a Mac user you might be familiar with developer Phil Dow of Sprouted, who is most known for his popular Mac journaling application Journler. I’ve also taken the step of leasing a server so I can offer hosting to my clients if needed.
Rediscovering a passion
Throughout my teen years I had one true passion, playing the guitar. When the college years hit and I was no longer in a hand I lost interest somewhat. I had been playing some, but the 1 hour+ playing time per day was long gone. Here recently I decided to join the hymn band at church. Like me, most of the others in the band hadn’t played in quite a while. I’ve watched over the last couple of months as each musician has dusted off their instrument of choice and rediscovered their love for it. It has been truly inspiring to me. We all, at one time or another, put time into learning these instruments; shouldn’t we take advantage of that talent? I plan to. I’m going to try and establish a regular practice time at least weekly, and try to work on learning some of the technical aspects of music that I’ve never learned. I did recently take a big step and posted a video of myself playing guitar online.
Some updates coming
I’ve got a redesign of on my todo list. The design is getting a little stale and isn’t quite as indicative of my style or ability as I’d like. I haven’t even started on the design yet but I should soon, might even work on it this weekend. I’m hoping to do a large scale redesign, not just update the template.
It’s hard to believe that another year is almost over. Here’s to hoping that 2008 is as good as 2007 has been. Soon I’ll have some more news to share with you all. 🙂
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