It’s been a long, hard study this year. There have been many times that I didn’t think I could keep going, but I did. There were many times that I didn’t have my lesson done, but I went anyway for the lecture and was very blessed. BSF, the September through May Bible Study that I participate in, is finished for the summer. I have to admit that I’m not as happy as I thought I would be to see it end for a while.
Last night was our final night and consisted mostly of participant testimonies about how the bible study had touched them over the last year. One of the most moving testimonies was by one of the primary children/teen leaders. His words communicated very clearly what I feel inside. I only wish I was so expressive verbally. I think I would love to lead a teen group in BSF, but I’ll have to pray about it to see if that’s where I’m being led.
Kristen and I are going on Friday night to see a play! The local theatre ( is putting on a production of The Music Man. It’s one of Kristen’s favorites, and I’ve never seen it, so I thought it would be fun to go.
I’m currently working on a new design for my personal website ( It’s had the same design for a while, and although I like it, it’s time for change. I’m thinking of doing something that’s much more involved that could eventually turn into a site where I can promote myself and my work. I need a place to keep track of my designs and websites that I’ve built.
That’s it for now.
BSF is over for the Summer
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