Category: What’s new with me?
Some exciting updates
There have been some new and exciting developments in the last week. For one, Kristen has had some job interviews with some local schools and was offered jobs by all of them. She’s finally decided which one she’d like to work at and she’s going to be informing that school today. The school is a…
Going to the movies!
It’s friday and it’s a long weekend, what more could I ask for? I’m headed to the movies tonight to see a movie that I’ve been waiting around 6 months to see. The Day After Tomorrow looks like it could be the grandaddy of all disaster movies and I’m a big fan of that genre.…
BSF is over for the Summer
It’s been a long, hard study this year. There have been many times that I didn’t think I could keep going, but I did. There were many times that I didn’t have my lesson done, but I went anyway for the lecture and was very blessed. BSF, the September through May Bible Study that I…
Online dramatic audio
I renently came across a website that offers a large amount of streaming dramatic radio shows.’s Seeing Ear Theatre provides a huge collection of online audio dramas including Tales from The Crypt and other mystery shows. It’s pretty fun to listen to while working. The “Playhouse” section is my favorite because it contains more…
I finished the issue of Quaker Life that I’ve been working on for the last month! After having to start over in the last week or so, I was sure that I was in trouble. However, the magazine ended up turning out better than I imagined! I’ll try to show some parts of it once…
The perfect weekend
What a great weekend. It was the kind of weekend that only comes around once a year or so. There was plenty of fun, it felt long and it felt productive. Friday night we went out to eat at our favorite local Mexican restaurant and then we went to the movies to see the final…
Just a normal update
What’s going on? Not much really, but things are pretty busy. From a large volume of work during the day, some relaxation time in the evenings and some filler-stuff to do during the weekends there hasn’t been much free time lately. I’ve been working on the Quaker Life Magazine design work in the evenings after…
Holy Week
As most people know, last week was Holy Week. The week that is the most importatant in Christian Faith. Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter are all part of Holy Week and to most Christians it is the time when they are the most grateful for Christ’s sacrifice. However, to some people Easter…
What's going on?
I’m getting ready to get started on the work for Quaker Life Magazine. I plan on going in tonight to get most of it done believe it or not. It’s going to be a lot of fun and I can’t wait. I spent all weekend working on my car with my brother-in-law Jamie. He did…
This past week
This past week has been a real doozey. I haven’t had a car all week, which has created a unique kind of stress. I spent yesterday evening and most of the day today watching as my car was worked on by my father-in-law and my brother-in-law. It has been really tough this week. I am…