Category: What’s new with me?

  • Tuesday…

    Well, what can I say? It’s a Tuesday. There’s not a lot going on right now really. I’m working on editing the first episode of Life on Main Street after over a month of production work. Chris and I made a trip to the Apple Store in Indianapolis on Saturday where he purchased Final Cut…

  • Survivor

    Well, the new season of Survivor has started, which means that Kristen and I now spend Thursday nights at someone’s house that has cable. This season is different in that it takes contestants from previous seasons and puts them all together into what they call Survivor: All Stars. So far it’s wonderful. We’ve also been…

  • All sorts of stuff…

    I haven’t written in a while and that’s because I’ve been very busy. I’m going to attempt to update everyone on what’s been going on. The first thing worth noting is that Chris and I finished our last interview for our first episode of Life on Main Street. We’re waiting on a few items so…

  • What a cold day…

    I walked outside this morning into the blistering cold, which reminded me why I want to move to Arizona soon… I cannot stand the painful cold that Winter brings to Indiana every once in a while. We’ve continued to have snow and rain for the past few days and I’m not sure when it’s supposed…

  • Winter storm

    We had a pretty good winter storm last night. I was almost positive that we were going to have terrible road conditions today, but as it turns out it wasn’t that bad at all and the only people closing up because of the weather are the schools. Kristen and I watched the Golden Globes last…

  • A reading phase again…

    I’ve been reading my butt off lately. I usually go through phases when it comes to reading. I read lots of technical stuff all of the time, but I very seldom start and finish a full book. I just finished reading Decration, which is one of the Left Behind books. It was very good. I…

  • Playing Guitar

    I’ve been playing guitar a lot lately, and I have to say that I’m excited about how I’ve improved even though I haven’t been playing very much over the last few years. When I was in high school I had chops. I could learn about any song by any band unless it was Steve Vai…

  • Long weekends

    Man do I love long weekends. I spent yesterday relaxing around the house and catching up on some reading. I’m up through book 8 of 12 of the Left Behind series. It’s been a wonderful series and despite most people’s wining about them adding two additional books to the series just to make a buck,…

  • The new blog!

    Well, as you can see I’ve started a new online journal. The old one took way to long to update and wasn’t as user-friendly as I wanted it to be. So, I’ll be using this system (which rocks). Let me highlight a couple of the features of this system called Moveable Type.

  • Makin' games!

    Well, I had a great weekend. I wasn’t expecting to have a project that would occupy the entire two days, but that’s what I got. Jamie and I found this program for your computer that allows you to create RPG games like Final Fantasy. It’s increadibly in-depth and has an amazing feature set. We spent…