I walked outside this morning into the blistering cold, which reminded me why I want to move to Arizona soon… I cannot stand the painful cold that Winter brings to Indiana every once in a while. We’ve continued to have snow and rain for the past few days and I’m not sure when it’s supposed to stop. It hasn’t been too terrible, most of the schools have had 2-hour delays instead of closing for the day.
I went last night to Hastings to rent a movie or two with a gift card that’s been burning a hole in my pocket. I knew I was going to get Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers extended edition, but I wasn’t sure what else. Well, I found the LOTR movie and then I looked around a bit. I eventually came across a movie called A Map of the World. I had heard of it because Pat Metheny wrote the score for the movie, and I was interested in checking it out so I rented it. It wasn’t bad. Kristen said it was exactly like most of the movies on Lifetime ,but I thought it was pretty good. However, upon inspection of the 4-disc LOTR set that I rented, I realized that it wasn’t The Two Towers, but rather Fellowship of the Ring, which I rented about a week ago… I was pretty mad. So, I’m going to go to Hastings tonight hopefully and try to get them to switch them for me since the DVDs were behind the wrong box.
That’s about it for now. More later!
What a cold day…
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