Category: What’s new with me?
2004 Macworld Expo Keynote
Well, the 2004 Macworld Expo was yesterday and it was amazing. The keynote address was given by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. He took time to reflect on the history of Apple and the Mac and then announced some new and upcoming products. I was most excited by their new application, GarageBand, which is part of…
Rollin' in the New Year!
Once again there isn’t a lot going on. However, there are a few things worth noting…
Christmas time is here!
Well, Christmas time is here and the weather is showing it! Take a look at some photos I took last night while out and about (click on the thumbnail to view the larger version). I love the snow when it first comes, but I hate it when February rolls around and there’s still tons of…
Looking at houses
Well, believe it or not there’s not a whle lot new going on… I’m trying to go to open houses every Sunday so I can get a sense of how much houses cost. Hopefully when we’re ready to buy that will help us find a good place and make sure that we don’t get “taken”…
Taking steps
Today’s been a good day. Kristen and I met this morning with a mortgage broker and learned more about what our options are for buying a house. They approved us there on the spot for the amount we were wanting, but the monthly payment was just a little out of our reach. We also found…
Buying our rental?
Well, things are going great right now. Kristen and I just found out that our current landlords are interested in selling the house we’re renting to us in the future. Now all we have to do is find a good way to finance it.
Youth group yard sale
Well, the youth group yard sale went on without a hitch and we made over $1,100!!! We were expecting to make about $500 or maybe at most $700, but in the end we were very happy with the results.
Planning a yard sale
Well, Kristen and I spent most of them weekend getting ready for the first Youth Group yard sale which happens next saturday morning. it was a lot of work, but I think it’ll all be worth it. We’ve had TONS of donations from people at the church for the sale and we have to go…
Felt like writing…
Just felt like writing… I’ve been working some today on getting the Adams & Agee website freshened up a bit. I’d like to try and sell some more albums and to help that along I’ve decided to also sell that album in MP3 format for half price! That’s $5.00 for an entire album! If you’d…
Living-Dead == Gone
Well, it’s been a while since my last post, so I thought I’d take the time to post a little update. Things are going really well right now. A couple of weeks ago I resigned from my position with so I can move on with life and see where God is leading me. It’s…