Living-Dead == Gone

Well, it’s been a while since my last post, so I thought I’d take the time to post a little update. Things are going really well right now. A couple of weeks ago I resigned from my position with so I can move on with life and see where God is leading me. It’s been a nice change.

Kristen and I took the youth group to King’s Island this weekend and had a wonderful time. We were mostly going for a Christian concert that took place on Saturday night. The concert was amazing, there were 4 bands there: Sonic Flood, Mercy Me, Rebecca St. James and Audio Adrenaline. In my past I’ve been to a LOT of concerts, everything from Jazz to VERY heavy metal. This was something special… There was something about these people up there that looked like traditional rock stars but the words were so different. At one point the bassist from Audio Adrenaline gave his testimony. It was wonderful. I can now understand why Christian rock music is so important.

Another thing that was interesting was that right outside of the concert gates King’s Island’s annual Fear Fest was going on and the entire park was decked out in a creepy halloween theme. Some of the kids remarked that if you walk out of the concert it’s very evil with all of the people so interested in the darkness. I was happy to be inside of the concert gates.

My brother, Mitchell, is doing better than ever. After a long time of looking (without success) for a job, he’s found a decent job as a janitor for a high school around the town he lives in. It started out as a temp job, but they’ve since told him that it could turn into full time. I’m so happy for him.

Other than that there’s not a lot new. I’ve been a little sick lately and today I’ve hit my low and I’m feeling pretty badly.






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