Death comes around again…

Well, I just found out that my step-great-grandmother just died. I did know her well, but her somewhat incoherent state over the last few years had put somewhat of a wedge between us.

She used to baby-sit Mitchell (my brother) and I, and we had a lot of fun with her in a time period that seemed pretty glum to us. She was a lot of fun to be with.

Aside from that, all is well, things are a little slow at work, but that is cool, luckily this is my free check, the check that besides my car payment basically goes toward anything that I want. I won’t think about getting an additional job just yet. 🙂

As of right now, I still have about $500 left to pay out of the original almost $2000 for our cruise, so I am getting very excited about that, and anything I have an extra $100 I go make a payment.

Another thing worth noting is that I just completed a website for a local woman that is running for Wayne Township Assessor. Her name is Betty Smith, and you can see the website I created here.

Also, related to website development I just volunteered to work with my favorite CGT (Computer Graphics Technology) instructor Frank Brattain over the summer on two website projects, the website for the CGT programs in Richmond at Purdue, and a website for the SolidWorks user group here in Richmond. That should be fun, and I like helping people out (especially when it involves a website.) 🙂

 Well, I think that is about it, check back for more updates soon.






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