Graduation practice

It’s Thursday afternoon, and I am getting ready to head off to graduation practice. Wow, even though this is by no means the end of my quest for knowledge and piece of mind, I still feel very relieved and happy. I would not want to change a thing about my life right now.

I have graduation tomorrow at 4:30, but I don’t think that commencement actually starts until 6:00. Some of, but not all of, my family will be there. I really wish dad was going to be there. It kind of hurts me that he is not going to be there, but on the other hand it is very unreasonable for me to think that he should drive for two days, or fly for 4 hours over here to see me walk across a platform that quite frankly was not THAT hard to approach.

However, if he is not here for my BS graduation ceremony or my Masters ceremony, I will be very hurt.

Things are going as planned so far for the cruise, no money problems yet despite the lack of work at my place of business. Things are a little slow, but I still love my job.

I have decided what classes I think I am going to take this summer, they are three non-computer classes, actually they are all three business classes. I am excited about the possibility of understanding how a business works, but at the same time with knowledge comes work, with work comes time, and with time comes not much.

With the summer just getting started, I am sure that I will have lots of great things to tell you about, but right now I am just adjusting to having *some* free time. Also, still not drinking any pop. Go me.






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